
12/08/99... 10 years ago yesterday...
Today starts the 11th year of living without my best friend from my childhood, my Grandfather. Every year at this time it makes me step back and think about my life, think about how I'm living, and if Grandpa Don would be proud of me. Sadly, I think of things that he wouldn't be proud of things that probably hurt him deeply. The fact remains that I miss him, terribly. He was a seperate breed of man. He was a strong, but nurturing, clever, but slow to judge, smart, but not arrogant, charitable but not gullible man. He taught me more about life in 11 years than anyone else could, and as I sit here writing this I realize that he's still teaching me things, without me even realizing it. I am the man I am today because of my Grandfather. If it wasn't for the things he instilled in me at such a young age, things that I rebelled again, I don't know where I would be right now. I love him, and think of him often, and I know that he's in Heaven with my Grandma Paige, playing bridge but as selfish as it is, I wish they were all here with me.... RIP Grandpa Don 12/08/99 and Grandma Paige 10/13/06... I love you both more than you'll ever know...

Struggling through the night...


Giving is about more than purchasing..

Forgiveness. Is. The. Best. Gift.

I've been talking to my kids about giving.I love Christmas and have been thinking about it a lot lately.Wouldn't ya' know it. Someone from my past text me to apologize ask for forgiveness, and forgive me in return. Then God prompted me to do something I was very uncomfortable doing. I had to be honest with myself and honest with others. So I called some people, one person in particular and apologized for the way that I acted, granted what happened wasn't my fault,but I wasn't perfect nor will I ever be. Ephesians 5, words to live by, says "Be imitators of God." Well I think that me attempting to apologize was my way of trying to live that today. I need to live what I preach to these kids. I realize that forgiveness is the greatest gift you can give someone. Asking for it is hard, harder than I ever imagined. But giving is all about offering everything you can. Luke 21:1-4 talks about the Widow's offering. Go read it, and see if you grasp it, if not, come ask me about it. It's about the fact that while others were able to give more money, they gave a fraction of what she herself gave, because she gave everything she had to live on. Do we do that?

Give. Yourself. To. Others.

Giving everything we have doesn't have to be in terms of monetary or world things. Our love, compassion, understanding, forgiveness, hearts, and ears can be the greatest gifts to not only our brothers and sisters in Christ, but also to those that don't know Christ. And what better way to share Christ's love, than to share your own in His name? It's a grueling process, knowing what to give to who, and when. I think the greatest gift I've received from someone here on Earth was their prayers. When someone calls and tells me they are praying for me, for no particular reason, it moves me. I hope that as the Christmas season begins you remember what CHRISTmas is all about. God GAVE us His Son, so that we could be delivered into The Kingdom. What an amazing gift!

I. Am. Sorry.

To those of you that read this. For whatever I've done in the past, whether it was yesterday, or 20 years ago, whether it's known or unknown, I am sorry. I know I don't have to apologize, but I need to apologize. In finding myself I have found that becoming a better person starts with letting go of the old you. As lame as it is, I'll reference some Justin Timberlake lyrics when he said "The old me is dead and gone".. I will also reference Lazlo Bane (and Scrubs) by saying " but i can't do this all on my own, no I'm no, I'm no superman". I'm sorry. I love all of you, and I hope you can give me the gift of forgiveness, just as I will offer my forgiveness to any of you that may feel the need to have it. For another day....

Grace and Peace