For those of you that live in or around Bartholomew County and actually read the newspaper, this will make a lot more sense to you than it will to others. Tonight, I got home from a small group called The Merge and decided to peruse my local newspaper. Now, I will be the first to admit that I normally come home extremely moved and excited about whatever we discussed in small group, and this night was no different. We had watched a short excerpt (not the whole thing lol) of a film that was shown at CIY. This film was about the persecution of Christians in foreign lands (more on this in future posts). The stories were horrific, and it made me sad in more ways than one. I was sad for those suffering in that way, and I was sad that I at times consider myself to be a persecuted Christian when, to date, the worst persecution I have faced is maybe losing a friend or being made fun of for my faith... Then I picked up the newspaper and the front page headline read: "Hunting for God" and was accompanied by a picture of a bunch of hunters on their knees in a sanctuary presumably praying that they kill the biggest buck of the season. Now, before I go on I must clarify, I have nothing against hunters. In fact, many of my friends hunt, I would like to one day also hunt, and I have a great amount of respect for the skill and patience it takes. However, from reading the headline and looking at the picture, I found myself persecuting these "so-called Christians". I thought to myself, seriously? Are you really going to make a mockery of faith in Christ... this is blasphemy! (I had a small angry rant that was only stated in my head) and then...
I realized that I was persecuting my brothers (and sisters) in Christ based on a headline. Remember that thing your Granny used to say when you were little? The whole, "Don't judge a book by it's cover little _______ (insert your name + ie at the end). I was convicted. So I read the article, and it's a good thing I did. If I hadn't read it, then by assuming I knew what it was about I would have made an.. well you know what they say about assuming. Anyway, I read the article and I was amazed at the innovative twist someone had put on reaching others for the Kingdom. This was a legitimate church service, with a real Pastor, real prayers for safety and harvest, attended by real Christians, real sinners, real unbelievers, the whole nine-yards. These are people that found something they love, the outdoors and ammunition, and turned it into an opportunity to reach the lost. Not only were they using hunting as a way to share the Gospel with other hunters, they were using their harvest (the Republic's fancy way of saying "truckloads of dead deer") to feed hungry families who had very little to eat, or money to spend. They were truly Hunting for God. I was moved. The story even talks about some people that attended the service with a friend or relative, and a year, two or three later they had found salvation in being reborn in Christ. What an amazing way to use your hobby to share the Gospel!
What do you love to do in your "spare time"? Is there an innovative way you can turn your hobby into a mission field? Maybe you love to bake, call local churches and ask to be notified of birthdays for widows, elderly, or single moms. Call nursing homes. Love to work in your garage guys? Do the same thing, only use the contacts at the church to find out who might need help just changing their oil to save a few dollars. We can all use our individual talents and passions to pursue a plan to further the Kingdom, it's time to start thinking outside the box.
One last thing, Always, always, always, read the full article before you turn your nose up at something, you never know how it will change your perspective on life.
Grace and Peace,
Love reading your writing!!! Keep it coming. Praying for God to continue to do big things with you! He already is!