
Give 10 Cents


Okay, before any of you start saying things to yourself such as "he only has one problem?" let me clarify. I have a problem in front of me currently that is weighing heavy on my heart and the hearts of many people whose faith and relationship with Christ I admire. It's a problem of money, materialism, and American culture. I will admit now, this post is probably a little overdue considering tomorrow is a regular Friday, and not the infamous "Black Friday". However, I'm going to speak my mind on it now, so if you feel like you might agree or even disagree for that matter, keep reading.


That's such a sad statement. No, it's not my personal philosophy on life but it is for many people in our country. I spent tonight with a good friend who I haven't seen in a month. During our time together we touched on a multitude of topics from jobs, old friends, new friends, to Holidays. Money was a very present theme, and not in the way you would expect. We talked a lot about how disgusting things like Black Friday are, because of the problems money creates. To make matters worse (and me a little more bitter) this conversation followed a very over-priced meal at a local restaurant. Here's what I don't understand though... There are all these people that fight over merchandise, the pepper-spray fellow shoppers, set fire to cars, punch and bite, and all in the name of what? 30% off a Coach purse that is already so grotesquely overpriced that it should come with a fold-out toilet and minibar? Think about this for a second... Black Friday follows Thanksgiving. So we spend all Thursday afternoon giving Thanks for our friends, family, and many blessings from God etc. and then around 10pm we throw all class out the window and attack people because we want to be sure we get the newest $140 Lego set for our kids who will most likely build half of it one time and set it aside-- intelligent. Now don't get me wrong, I have participated in the madness and I am not putting all you Black Friday shoppers down by any means. I'm just using it as an example of how disgusting the importance of money is in our culture.


I hate this question. I hate asking it and I hate being asked. It's such a terrible question, and unfortunately it's one that you hear more often than not when discussing job opportunities. Since I have been basking in the glories of being unemployed (sarcasm) I have talked to more people than I can count about jobs and money. One guy asked me what it would take, a figure, for me to be in full time ministry. I honestly didn't know how to respond, I wasn't sure how to put a number on living a dream or providing a link between others and Christ. However, because of the way we are conditioned to think, I was able to come up with a very reasonable suggestion (one that was lower than a typical business position but high enough that I could buy my iPad ) It's a re-occurring theme in every day life. Money, Money, Money. Believe me, I get it, I have selfish wants and desires too... but I just can't get over the idiocy it creates in people.


You know those commercials on late night television where if you give $.10 you can change a child's life? Or those really annoying people dressed as Santa Clause asking you for spare change outside of Walmart (this is the last time I'm clarifying my sarcasm, I hope you've caught on by now) Those things really can do some good. I heard about an organization recently that if you donate the price of a cup of coffee they will use it to help underprivileged kids in third world countries. Now, I know there are three groups of people that may read this, they are as follows:

1.) The guy that nods his head and says "Amen brother" and really agrees with you:
This guy or girl, feels the same way about money as you do, they will talk about the need in other places until they are blue in the face and they will donate that cup of coffee, maybe even two! all for the cause, man.

2.) The "What about the children in need in America, God bless America and No one else" guy:
This guy smells what your cooking but thinks that because we are Americans we should focus on ourselves and provide for those in need here, disregarding that most of the poverty in this country is considered middle class in other nations, the ethnocentric guy that sits and the middle and continuously goes "humph"

3.)The grabs cell phone and pretends someone is calling him guy:
This guy uses this to duck the people asking for change for their cause. This isn't just a trick he uses for ex-girlfriends, he actually uses it to duck ministers, police, the homeless, and his mother in law when she drops in for a visit. You would actually think that he is the fix-it man for the entire city with as many times as his phone "vibrates" because someone is calling-- as a side note I would like to add that no one actually takes the time to make their phone audibly ring, it's always on vibrate, and my favorite is when said person's phone actually rings while they are on an "important call"

I will admit I have been all of these people at one time or another which is why I am confident that it is okay that I mock them... I apologize for any hurt feelings. Seriously though, how many of us really ignore the call to help others? Do you really need 6 Starbucks coffees a day (or even one for that matter) Take 5 dollars, 3 dollars, 89 cents (if you buy coffee at your local gas station like myself) and give some change to a charity. Sure you might think it can't impact anyone's life, but you would be wrong. I've been to some of these countries, I've met people that were once sponsor children, I've read and listened to testimonies from recipients of TOMS, Hello Somebody, CURE, or even the Salvation Army that have said that the money we help raise changes lives. Do something about it this year, change the way you look at money, give some away, turn some away, take your dream job that is accompanied by a pay cut, and bless someone else either here or abroad. End rant.

Grace and peace

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