
Father Knows Best

"You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail." Proverbs 19:21

Too often, we as humans, want to do things our way. Even more specifically, too often, we as Christians, recognize that our way isn't working... but we keep trying to do it. It's the human dilemma. It's a worldly dilemma. And to be quite honest, it causes us to screw a lot of things up. I had a brief discussion with someone about this on Sunday. Basically, she was talking about being stressed because of school and work... I told her "you're smart, have a good work ethic, let God handle the rest". She responded by saying "I'm going to try and let Him because my way isn't working"... that's what got me thinking about this human dilemma we face. Again, even more specifically, the Christian dilemma we face. I love that verse in Proverbs, and I use it all the time when talking to other people... but as usual, I don't listen to my own advice very well. 

I can make all the plans in the world, but they don't matter. In fact, more often than not it leads to disappointment, discouragement, and discontent. The reason all the DIS happens is because my ability is not as strong as God's. And even though I am fully aware that, that is the case, I can't help but to try and make my own destiny. When it doesn't line up with God's plan... I look up and say "Seriously? What the hell?" (which is okay according to this guy) Then I am reminded that my plans are futile. God's purpose for my life is set into motion, and He knows what is right for me. I realize that my ways aren't working, and probably never will. That is, not until my ways become relying on HIS WAYS. As soon as I relinquish control, God rocks my world. In the last month or so, He's done that numerous times. In one situation in particular, each and every interaction... I have to remind myself to say "Okay God, thanks for that interaction, now take this situation in whatever direction YOU want it to go in". Now, don't get me wrong, I know exactly where I would like to see things go... but I also know that if I try to do it my way, I will royally screw it up... just like I have many times in the past. Relinquishing control is something I struggle greatly with... and most people would say it's because I'm a man. I have this prideful desire to control the outcome of any given situation... between that and the fact that my Pops (who is a legit dude) was the "plan man" when I was a kid, has left me in a position where I often say "What the hell" to God a lot... because a lot of the time, things don't go the way I want them too. Which in retrospect is a beautiful thing. 

I'm a country music fan. I have established that many times in this blog. When I think about how beautiful it is that things don't work out the way I think they should, I am reminded of the song Unanswered Prayers by Garth Brooks. Now, I realize that song is mainly about this guy thinking about a girl from his past. That's not where I am going with that, not that those situations don't apply. I'm just saying in general, I can look back on almost every decision, or event in my life and think... "Yeah, the way God planned that was a lot better than the way I planned it". Then I start thinking about how much it probably frustrates and/or makes God laugh when I try to do things my way. Especially since He knows I'm going to try. God created me, He knows all the intricacies that went into shaping me into who I am today, He knows me more intimately than anyone in the world. He knows every time I'm going to make my own attempt, and He knows every time those attempts are going to fail. I truly do believe that there are times, where He looks at us and laughs. I know what He's capable of, even though I can't begin to fathom His power. Yet, I still refuse to put my pride aside and turn things over to Him immediately on a regular basis. The part that I think probably frustrates Him, is that even when I come to these realizations, and turn things over to Him, and SEE how beautiful that part of my relationship with Him is... I end up trying things my own way in a different situation. When I think about how beautiful His plans are... I am reminded of Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.". 

God states it so clearly-- He has plans for us to prosper, plans to give us hope and a future. He doesn't say, "I'll give you anything you want" but He does say He will provide what we need... hope and a future. I am so thankful that I can wake up every day and be reassured that I can have hope that things will happen in a way that is pleasing to my Creator. I am blessed to have a future that is completely planned out by God. God loves me, loves all of us, so much that He has prepared a future for each and every one of us. Remember when we were kids and our parents would tell us that "Parents know best" well... when it comes to my life, and God's plan for it... I'm realizing for quickly that "Father knows best".

Grace and Peace,

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