Last night, as I was driving home... I started thinking about what today was going to look like. I started to anticipate the pain that would come as soon as I watched the clock change from 11:59 to Midnight, starting another day... and realizing that another year had passed. It took 6 years to write my first post about what happened 7 years ago today. After I did that, I realized how freeing it was... I realized the healing power in doing that. So in order to try and heal just a little bit more, and to pay tribute to what is now lost, here I sit. In front of a screen, attempting to put all my thoughts and emotions into so few words. I laid down in bed around 10:30 last night... and watched all 90 minutes tick by on my clock. Instead of trying to sleep, and more so to avoid the nightmares, I laid there praying that this year it wouldn't hurt so much. I looked at pictures of the house from the days that followed the fire. It still seems so surreal. I drove by 431 Union Street this morning, just long enough that I could catch a glimpse of what used to stand there. It's funny, because as each year passes, it gets more real every time I drive by...
I have spent a collective 20 years living in Hope, Indiana. There was a time when I thought I would never return to live here full-time after college... I was wrong. Yet looking back on where I was, where I've been, and where I'm going, I'm thankful for the time I have here... because most likely, it won't be where I live forever. There is one scar from growing up here that hasn't healed completely. December 19th, 2005. That's the day my world came crashing down around me, and had it not been for this small town, I don't know where I would be today. My family lost our home, our belongings, our pets, everything. It was hard to fathom. I stood there at one point listening to someone scream as we watched the fire engulf our home... then I realized the person screaming was ME. It's been seven years since we lost our home, and the 19th this year, was just as hard, if not harder than all the others. This post follows last years', in that it is just a little bit easier to write this one, than it was that one. I write about this for a reason, so that I can be reminded of what matters in life. You see, now that I am in the "real world", the reality of what today means is even clearer. It's not just the cliche "don't take things for granted" or "we are only promised today", but more than that. It's a reminder that it's not about me, or my plans, or my wants. It's about God's plan. God has used this to glorify the Kingdom, in more way than one. God has shown me a lot of things about that day in the last 7 years, most importantly, He has shown me the value of friendship and community. The core of this is carried forward from last year, because it still holds true...
I still can't believe the way people took care of us when we lost everything. People gave us clothing, places to stay, food, money, hugs, and most importantly prayers. There were people who probably had barely enough money for Christmas gifts for their own families, that replaced many of ours. People I didn't know offered money, and condolences. There are so many important people I would love to thank for what they did, but that would take a lifetime. One group of people has always stuck out in my mind when I think about that time in my life...
Before they were husbands, fathers, college graduates, teachers, coaches, adventure-seekers, insurance salesmen, businessmen, and athletic trainers, there were a special group of guys that were all part of a State Championship. Some were players, others fans in the crowd. That day was a special day though, because it was in that moment, that I saw Christ bless some very important people in my life, by helping them to achieve their dream.
A little more than 7 years ago I wrote an article that made the local newspaper. It was entitled "Before they were champions.." Take a look:
Hauser High School's boys' basketball team brought home their first state title this year, bringing a terrific season to a perfect end. Team and fans alike celebrated their happiness together. However, Hauser's team isn't one that is only there for the good times. Before they were champions, they were just a group of great guys, and true friends. On December 19th my family lost our house to a fire. We were able to salvage very little. Four days later, we were there ready to sift through the ruins and rubble and find what could be salvaged. As I got out of my car at the site of my former home, I heard more cars pull in behind me. They were members of Hauser's varsity basketball team. Not only are they state champions, but they are true good-hearted friends. Each one of them left practice, and drove straight to 431 Union Street. Gabe Miller, Blake Roth, Zach Fugate, Bobby Jolliff, Bryce Mize, Justin Baute, Brandon Barker, Nate Long, Seth Baute, Bryan Bailey, and Ben Gearhart approached me with arms wide open and smiles on their faces. At that moment I felt the true meaning of living in a small community. Eleven young men, current and former Hauser basketball players, clad in old clothes and heavy gloves, ready to help me and my sister sift through our childhood. As we sorted through the remains, I was able to laugh and cry with the best friends a kid could ask for. Eleven kids willing to give up a day of Christmas break, to help a family in need. I stopped after about an hour of working and looked around at these 11 guys. Replaying the memories I had with each and every one of them in my house. Late nights playing video games, and all day football games in the yard, it was all very emotional for me. They were my support system, and I saw it as my duty to return the favor. I spent my Saturday supporting Gabe Miller, Blake Roth, Zach Fugate, Bobby Jolliff, Bryce Mize, Justin Baute, and Brandon Barker in their time of need, by sitting in the front row of the cheer block, cheering them on in their quest to be "Living the Dream". The others, Nate Long, Seth Baute, Bryan Bailey, and Ben Gearhart joined me in the sea of black at Conseco Fieldhouse. At the end of the game, with all the excitement buzzing, I stopped and took a moment to thank the Lord. I thanked Him for giving back to the friends that had helped me through a very hard time. The memory I have of watching my best friends win a state championship is enough to fill the void of all the things I lost in the burning of my house. It's an amazing feeling to watch the people who you've spent your entire life with, accomplish something that seemed so impossible, for so long. Congratulations to the 2006 Indiana Class 1A Boy's Basketball State Champs, and thank you for all you have done for me and my family.
I am so thankful to this day for those boys, now men. They are still some of my best friends, I have seen 3 of them get married, three are married with kids, 9 have graduated college, 1 has trained sled dogs in Alaska, and 1 of them has become my roommate. These guys have all gone on to do incredible things with their lives. They have continued to be a huge part of my life, and they will never fully comprehend what they mean to me. The other thing is, I can remember so many other people that weren't mentioned in that article because they weren't there that particular day, that should have been added to the list. My dear friend,Nick Long, wasn't able to be there that day, but I remember he came to me later and apologized for being sick. He wanted to be there but needed to rest. Just the fact that he thought there was a reason to apologize meant the world to me.Bryan Fields spent hours searching for my grandfather's 1950 Purdue class ring (pictured below) one of the few things I have left of my Grandfather, and found it amongst all the rubble. The cheerleaders, our neighbors, our friends, our family, the teachers, my soccer team, the coaches, administrators, and coworkers of my parents went above and beyond what anyone could have asked them to do.
Since that day, there are been more people that have come along that deserve to be thanked. My small group, my church, my friends from college, and my coworkers. All of them have brought joy, peace, comfort, refuge, strength, and clarity into my life in a multitude of ways. I am so thankful that God has provided such a core group of people to help me through the bad times, and to celebrate the good.
Today will be difficult, but it will also be a day of healing. Which is something I have been praying about for 7 years, and will continue to pray about for many years to come. Always Remember, and Never Forget... 431 Union Street.
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