
An arm around my shoulders...


I woke up extremely tired today. I was tired because I had an awesome night with a great group of friends at Perfect North. Now, very rarely do I wake up and think "Meh, I think I'll just go to the second service to teach Sunday school and sleep right now" but that thought went through my head. God said No, you're going. So I got up, took a quick shower, threw on some jeans and a hoody and left for church. I had no idea what God had in store for me this morning. I knew I was excited once I got in my car because I knew we were starting the all church study today. CCC is studying the book Sent: Living the Missional Nature of the Church by Ed Stetzer. I really like a lot of Ed's writings, and I am a HUGE advocate of the church being missional (I've gotten the opportunity to bring the message on a few occasions and a lot of the time it involves getting the church to move). However, I didn't realize the intro would go the way it did.


Not of a crime, so don't worry. I was convicted by Scott's message this morning. It was his desire to define, or redefine for some of us, what it is the Church. His message focused on a few points, some of them were things like the Church is not an organization but an organism, it's the body of Christ, and it's not a building nor is it bound to a location. All thoughts that I completely agree with. I was sitting there smiling excited about what Scott was saying, I could feel that something big was going to be sparked in the hearts of our church. However, it was at the end that truly convicted me. Scott asked a few questions that he wanted us to pray over, those questions were the following:
1. Am I truly committed to the body of Christ and do I love the Church?
2. Am I more focused on the ways of man than the ways of Jesus?
3. Are non-believers attracted to Jesus through my life (i.e. my actions)?
4. Am I at peace with the members in this body?
5. Am I willing to submit to others in the body?
6. Do i place what's best for the body above my own wants and desires?

Now, I'm not going to answer those questions individually because part of that is fairly personal. I do want to discuss question #4 though. You see, I had an issue with someone in the body of Christ at CCC and I had never even met him. I had an issue because I was allowing jealousy to fester inside of my heart and soul. God told me it was imperative that I say something. I'm not good at things like this but I did it anyway. I went up to this person, I put my hand on his shoulder and I said "Hey man, I know you don't know me- but my name is Brad Robertson. What Scott said really convicted me to come talk to you, you see I have been dealing with some jealousy and resentment towards you for the role you are taking on in this body. It was something I wanted to take on. Funny thing is, you didn't beat me out, or take it away from me. God put you, the right person for the position in place". He said thank you, we hugged, and I felt peace on my soul, at least when it came to that aspect of what I was dealing with. Now it was time to face God...


I sat down while others around me stood and sang, so I could be real with God. I started by saying that I hate the sin in my life, but I knew I was avoiding the elephant in the room between Christ and I. He chipped away at my stone facade slowly but surely and I began to break. I asked for forgiveness for not trusting Him, for harboring jealousy, for wanting my plans to outrun His plans. I began to weep, which is not unusual when I pray, and I asked God for comfort. I asked Him to put His arm around me and tell me He was there, and things were okay. He did just that. I was sitting there and all of a sudden I felt an arm around my shoulders. I'll be honest, I had a very good idea of who it was, but I didn't dare look to confirm, I just waited. Then, my suspicion was confirmed, and Chris began to pray for me. The things Chris prayed for and over me just absolutely blew my mind. It was as though he had tapped into my thoughts and listened to my conversation with Christ. I ever never felt the presence of God more than I did in that moment. It made me feel like less of a number and more of a disciple. For that I am so thankful. I am thankful for Chris, and I am thankful for all of the people in the body of that is known of the world as CCC. I am excited to see how Christ transforms the body in Columbus, in Indiana, in the United States, and in the World... all because someone in our body was willing to stand up and say, this needs to be addressed. We need to be missional.

Grace and Peace

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