
Faith like a Child

It's the most wonderfuuuuuulllll tiiiiiiiime of the year!!!! That was me singing, lucky for you, you only had to read it, not hear it. So we are quickly approaching the Christmas season, in fact, for some people, it began a week ago after Thanksgiving ended. I love "The Holidays" as we call them, because they are filled with family, friends, food, fellowship, but most importantly, one Holiday in particular is incredibly vital to my Faith. Christmas. The day that CHRIST was born. Now, you may be wondering why this post is coming so early, it's only December 3rd and it's 70 degrees outside... not really very "Christmasy" (yes, I added a "Y" to make that an adjective, don't judge me!) Here's the thing though, last night really set the tone for the Christmas season for myself, and many others, last night, Community Church of Columbus had their Children's Christmas Program. It was Legen...... wait for it........ DARY. That's right, I said it... it was legendary, and here's why.


The kids in the program were great. To use a bit of alliteration they were absolutely adorable, completely cute, and terrifically thespian (even though 98% of them probably don't know what a Thespian is, for that matter 68% of you are probably "googling" it right now). Honestly, the kids last night, nailed every bit of that program. It was funny, heartwarming, and I'm almost positive that not one kid messed up their lines. However, the thing I liked the most, was seeing how excited they were to participate in a musical that was directly focused on Christ and the importance of the true meaning of Christmas. I have to say, it was exactly what I needed. I often get down-trodden during the winter months. Generally from the end of November to the beginning of March it's dark when I leave the house, and dark when I get home. It can be depressing, especially when all the distractions and pressures of life keep you from focusing on the source of our Joy, God the Father. I'll be honest and completely transparent... I wanted to cry last night. More than once my eyes welled up with tears, ready to unleash the flood gates because it just absolutely overwhelmed me (in a good way) to hear such tiny voices preaching such a HUGE message. It was even more special because these were kids I had taught in Tuesday Connection and Sunday School. Kids that I have gotten to see grow up, even just in the last year. While I was sitting there taking this all in, one scene in particular started... and out fluttered Kate. A little more than a year ago I wrote a blog about Kate called Big Answers Come in Small Packages... Kate is this vibrant, amazing little girl that has been battling cancer most of her life. She has moved me to tears on numerous occasions, but nothing as powerful as last night. Last night, Kate was a ballerina. She came dancing out onto the stage, and was absolutely glowing with excitement. I could tell Kate loved every minute of it, and it made me stop and think. How often do I complain throughout my day, to people, on the phone, on Facebook/Twitter, etc. We complain all the time, and yet, despite eating one too many cookies occasionally, I'm healthy. Yet, sometimes I act like I have the whole world resting on my shoulders... then there's Kate. A little girl that has fought one of the most terrible illnesses known, and yet she's dancing for Jesus. Absolutely loving life. Kate reminded me last night what's important in life, and that in order to truly live... I need to find a way to dance for Jesus each and every day. Just like Kate.


Once again, a big answer came in the form of a small package. The kids reminded me how important it is to focus on Christ, and the joy of His birth during the CHRISTmas season. It brought about the start of a period of restoration, which is something I have been praying for, for quite some time now. I am so thankful for all the kids in our church, and for the staff and youth that helped make last night's performance so special. I am thankful that we have parents in our body that are teaching their children about the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. I am thankful for childlike faith. (Excerpt from Big Answers)  Luke says in chapter 18 verses 16&17-- 16 Then Jesus called for the children and said to the disciples, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. 17 I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” If we have faith like a child, if we receive the Kingdom as a child does, we'll inherit it. A child? Someone so small, young, naive, inexperienced at life... no, someone that has yet to be corrupted by this world, someone who still understands the fundamental parts of faith, that isn't bitter at the world yet... someone like Kate.and the rest of the children at CCC. 

Grace and Peace,