
From the Least of These to Kings and Queens.

I have a confession...

I'm a Christian Radio Junkie. Seriously. My morning commute is one of my favorite times of the day. It's peaceful outside, I generally leave early enough that I don't have to deal with much traffic. So with no traffic, coffee in my mug, and worship music playing from my radio, it's just this intimate time of worship and conversation between God and I. This morning was a perfect example of how starting the morning with K-Love or The Bridge can impact my entire day....

6:15 AM.

That's what time I woke up this morning. My alarm hadn't gone off yet but I was still awake. I went to bed around Midnight so I was already dreading how long the day was going to be. Then my phone buzzed as emails started to come in. At 6:20 I was reading emails from my counterparts in the UK. Trying to figure out how to fight the fires of the day. By the time I hoped in the Jeep it was 6:55 and I was already frustrated with work. Then I turned on K-Love to start my drive... and everything changed. I felt the weight of the impending day lift from my shoulders. I felt a peace come over me like a gentle breeze, and I was reminded that through it all, God is with me. I started praying, I started thanking God for the things He does for me each day, for the life I have, for the friends and family, and the opportunities. I asked for forgiveness for my morning transgressions, because even though it was just past 7:00 am I had already sinned. All of this was great, a huge relief to the beginning of a Monday. However, there was one song... one moment when I felt all the stress and worry I had completely slip away...

Kings and Queens.

I love this song, but this morning it took on a whole new meaning. This morning, it brought tears to my eyes as I sang along with the lyrics. I was reminded, that we are all royalty as the Children of God, but more importantly, I was reminded that every child deserves to be treated as royalty. That there are people all over the world that need to know that they matter, that they have precious, that they have an inheritance that is the Kingdom of God. That's when the tears started to fall, because I began to think about my upcoming mission trip. In March, I'll be going with 6 other people to Moldova (Eastern Europe). We will be working at an orphanage helping in any way that we can. I will have the opportunity to spend time with these Moldovan children, these children of God. It has become my one desire, that during this trip, I will get to show those kids that they are royalty. I will get to help them find their identity in Christ, and realization that they are saved by grace.

My heart is dancing.

The opportunity to share the Gospel, Christ's love, and my own love to these children makes my heart just dance. It's as though Psy and the pistachio's (Super Bowl commercial reference) are literally dancing around in my soul with excitement.  I am beyond blessed to have this chance, this week in Moldova, where I get to do my best to impact these young lives. The funny thing is, I have a feeling, that they will have more of an impact on me. God is going to do big things while I'm in Moldova. I cannot wait, to meet my Moldovan brothers and sisters, and see the Royal Family of God grow.

Grace and Peace.

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